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**Goose meat considered a red meat and has a high nutritional value** Goose meat is included in red meat and has high nutritional value because it contains high percentage of animal proteins, antioxidants and fatty amino acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, Lysine, Lisine, isulusin, methionein, phenylalanine, threonin and tryptophan), vitamins (A, B, D and E) and minerals (iron, zinc and magnesium), boosts immune system, muscle growth, improves digestive and nervous system, heart, blood circulation, metabolism, oxygen transfer to the cells of the body, improves hair and strengthens its follicles, maintains skin moisture, stimulates the strength, activity and growth of the brain. Useful for the health and growth of the fetus, in addition to its contribution to the elimination of microbes that affect the reproductive system, it is indicated that goose liver is a powerful in stimulating sexual capacity and has a major role in improving the men's fertility, protects against chronic diseases, noting that the liver of goose is usually brown but when fatty acids concentrates in it, it becomes beige therefore its benefits are higher. **Our products are non GMO, free of the residues of medicines and antibiotics, feeding on natural herbs, cultured grains and animal waste-free plant feed, reared in vast land under the sun and free air**